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Address Intersection of Shaoyang Avenue and Baodong Road, Shuangqing District, Shaoyang City, China
Tel: +86-739-5502258(International Trade Department)
Sales Service Departments
Sales Executive:
Wang Zongbin 13973567236
Yan kai 15973906666
International trade:
Du Haidong 13707390565
Aftersale spare parts:
Ding Zhiwu 15842985667
Jiao Xiaojun 13873982918

Products >> Chemical fiber set equipment

HV586 series screw extruder

Our company has been producing screw extracer for more than 40 years and has rich experience in design and manufacturing.

Function and use

The main role of screw extracer is to melt and homogenize various materials, and to quantitatively and quantitatively squeeze out the melt at constant pressure to meet the needs of melt spinning.

Main structural features

HV586 series screw extracer adopts horizontal hard-surface gears with high precision, low noise and long service life; the screw groove is processed by mold, and the screw groove transition is smooth and flat; the gap between the screw sleeves is small, the head pressure is stable, and the melt quality is good.

Main specifications

Screw diameter series:

Screw aspect ratio series: 20, 24, 27, 30, 32( Those with an aspect ratio of 20 are mainly used for non-woven edge material screws, those with an aspect ratio of 24 are mainly used for polyester and nylon slicing screws, and those with an aspect ratio of 27 are mainly used for bottle flake screws.Those with a diameter ratio of 30 and 32 are mainly used for polypropylene slicing screws).

Screw types: According to the structure type, there are new types of screws such as ordinary screws and separation screws, and according to the purpose, there are slicing screws, edge material screws, nylon special screws, etc.

Mixing head type: pin-type mixing head, diamond-shaped mixing head.

Add: Intersection of Shaoyang Avenue and Baodong Road, Shuangqing District, Shaoyang, Hunan, China  Fax: +86-739-5324671  Tel: +86-739-5502258(International trade dept.)